KCapacitybar on places item view

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at kde.org
Mon Aug 4 11:16:36 BST 2008


I think this patch took enough body to be committed. Includes:

- A less rounded border capacity bar. A compromise between big and small look. 
Looks fine for both cases.

- Show capacity bar only on hover, or on selection.

- Poll only devices that are showing the capacity bar (that means, if selected 
or hovered).

- Avoid clearing the selection by clicking (or double clicking) on the 
viewporrt (invalid index). Why I implemented it into the event filter ? 
Reimplementing our own QItemSelectionModel wouldn't work since we do clear the 
selection from our own code (when we write for example an address that doesn't 
match any entry), and that case would be stopped too. This means that the only 
thing we want to do is to stop the user clearing the selection by clicking 
directly on the viewport.


- Add a context menu option for (show always capacity bar for removable 
devices). Should I do this ?

Check http://www.ereslibre.es/?p=130 and http://www.ereslibre.es/?p=134 for 

- Right to left support on the delegate. Try to run "dolphin --reverse". This 
one is PRIORITY 0 (where 0 is highest priority ;). Since this will include 
some painting if's etc that would make the patch less readable, i'd like to 
commit this without RTL support, assuring you that in 5 days at most (probably 
some hours after the commit) you will have RTL support there.


Should I commit ? Suggestions ? Comments ?

Rafael Fernández López.

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