KPropertiesDialog. Useful graph ?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed Apr 30 01:06:16 BST 2008

Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> I suggest to have a look at both pie charts through the eyes of a person 
> with red/green color deficit (and probably other less prevalent types 
> of color blindness) e.g. with Vischeck [1] to find two colors that are 
> easily distinguishable for most people. Obviously red + green is a very 
> bad choice.

Bleh. Who needs vischeck? Use KMag ;-) It simulates all three 
single-cone deficits and has a "monochrome" mode (the latter is based on 
qGray and may or may not bear any resemblance to actual color-blindness, 
whereas the other modes are supposedly based on actual research to the 
best of my ability to find it and translate papers into actual code).

Yesterday, I thought of the best .sig that has ever been contemplated. 
Alas, I forgot it before I could write it down.

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