KPropertiesDialog. Useful graph ? [2D]

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Sat Apr 26 14:07:17 BST 2008

Hi all,

I modified the KPieChart class to draw in 2D. Colors are awful, I know. I just 
would like to know what brushes could I set for them looking better.

I still don't want to enter on code details. Because we are discussing the 
appearance at this point, but just wanted to tell something about KPieChart 
(which could be called KPieChart2D) API:

void addSlice(const QString &sliceKey, int percent, const QBrush &brush);

This method will add a slice, for example:

pieChart->addSlice(i18n("Used"), m_used, myGradient);

I just wanted to say here that despite they are now Qt::red and Qt::green, is 
just a matter of changing that "brush", what is used for rendering each 
slice. Not a big deal.

The shot I took is at:

I personally still think that a well tuned 3D graph would look much better 
than a 2D one. But this is up to all of us.

I was thinking of drawing an external border for this 2D pie chart...

Suggestions for improving ?

Rafael Fernández López.
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