[patch] KFileWidget: fix changing the current dir using url combo box
Jarosław Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Fri Apr 11 16:04:29 BST 2008
for review:
Fix changing the current dir using the 'recent url' combo box.
Upon accepting new url in the 'directory' url combo box, append '/' if needed:
the combo does not add it, but tokenize() expects it because uses
KUrl::setFileName(), which would silently remove the last segment of the path.
I guess it was a crossplatform issue.
Without the patch, if you select /home/js/foo/bar from the url combo box, and
click on file.txt, the resulting url would be /home/js/foo/file.txt, not the
expected /home/js/foo/bar/file.txt.
regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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