[Patch] KMainWindow::saveMainWindowSettings not saving toolbar in subgroups of the given group

Eduardo Robles edulix at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 00:18:21 BST 2008

On 4/8/08, David Faure <faure at kde.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 April 2008, Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I've found a quite trivial to fix bug in KMainWindow. The problem is that
> even
> > thought saveMainWindowSettings() takes a KConfigGroup as an argument, it
> > saves the toolbar settings in new top-level config groups instead of
> saving
> > them in subgroups of the given config group. The patch is attached and
> it's
> > quite trivial (I changed just two lines).
> This code didn't mean to use subgroups, subgroups didn't exist in kde3.
> So this is not a bug, it's by design.
> What is the reason to change it to subgroups? It would "look nicer", but it
> would
> also break existing user settings from kde-4.0.x.

It's for the undo closed items feature in konqueror. I store more than
one closed window in a config file, and current behaviour of
saveMainWindowSettings doesn't allow me to do that. So I *need* to
store the main window settings in the given config group. It might
break some user settings from kde 4.0 and I'm sorry for that =), but
that doesn't mean it's not a bug.
If I give a KConfigGroup to saveMainWindowSettings, it's because I
want to store the settings in the group. Maybe in kde3 it was meant to
work like this.. but then if groups didn't exist then this function
would take a non existant config group as an argument. When the
function' signature was changed to take a config group as a parameter,
then the expected behaviour of the function changed. I.e. if I wanted
to store them in a config file, I would give it a config file =).

        Eduardo Robles Elvira.

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