[patch] KToolInvocation: re-enable Windows code, share with UNIX, add invokeTerminal()

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Apr 1 01:18:39 BST 2008

On Friday 28 March 2008, Jarosław Staniek wrote:
> 1. The following methods are identical on all platforms and thus would be
> good to  move them to the common ktoolinvocation.cpp file.
> - KToolInvocation::invokeHelp()
>     identical (except and ifdef for problem with
> startServiceByDesktopName()) - KToolInvocation::invokeMailer() - identical
> - KToolInvocation::startKdeinit() - identical except additional --suicide
> arg for UNIX


> 2. Reneable code that was used in KDE3/win32 (and now runs fine too)
> - void KToolInvocation::invokeMailer(const QString &_to, const QString
> &_cc, const QString &_bcc,
>                                   const QString &subject, const QString
> &body, const QString & /*messageFile
> TODO*/, const 					 QStringList &attachURLs,
>                                   const QByteArray& startup_id )
> - void KToolInvocation::invokeBrowser( const QString &url, const
> QByteArray& startup_id )
> Both methods use ShellExecute().

will leave for win32 devs to comment on =)

> 3. BTW, add Aaron's most recent KToolInvocation::invokeTerminal() for
> invoking the standard terminal application.
> (TODO on Windows, will probably run cmd.exe by default)

just committed, as i need this for krunner anyways...

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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