AW: KConfig not reading translated entries
Nhuh Put
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Thu Sep 27 01:28:38 BST 2007
> Von: Mauricio Piacentini
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. September 2007 02:15
> An: kde-core-devel at
> Betreff: Re: KConfig not reading translated entries
> >>today in kdegames we realized that KConfig seems not to readlocalized
> >>entries from .desktop files.
> >You are right, when using KConfig::setLocale(), the given locale is
> >never passed through to the KConfigBackend.
> Just to complement, while the example that Albert posted uses
> setLocale() explicitally, the bug can also be reproduced without it. In
> other words, unstranslated strings would be returned as well when
> KDE_LANG is set for example. Not sure if the patch attached covers this
> case as well.
KLocale uses KConfig::setLocale internally, so this patch would also fix
> Regards,
> Mauricio Piacentini
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