shadeSortColumn - cruft?

Fredrik Höglund fredrik at
Tue Sep 25 23:14:38 BST 2007

On Tuesday 25 September 2007 23:09, Martin Koller wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 September 2007, Fredrik Höglund wrote:
> > There is no KItemDelegate, but KFileItemDelegate can in theory
> > shade the background of the active column. The delegate doesn't
> > draw empty space in the view, so the shading would stop at the
> > last row that contains items though.
> That would not be enough as that feature was available in all ListViews in all 
> applications (e.g. kmail).

Yes, I'm aware that changing KFileItemDelegate would only work for
the file views. But at the same time I'm not sure if I would be comfortable
introducing a KItemDelegate class this late in the release cycle.
KFileItemDelegate measures over 1200 lines of code.

> > That said, I've personally never really liked the shading feature,
> Therefore it's configurable.
> To the contrary, I use it and like it - and others too.
> See for the original wish
> > and the style draws a sorting indicator in the header section of
> > the active column.
> Which is not enough.

Okay, you've convinced me that we should have this feature.
But at this point I think it's better to reintroduce it in 4.1, for
the reasons mentioned above.


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