Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Thu Sep 20 12:44:10 BST 2007

On Monday 17 September 2007 14:16:56 pinheiro wrote:
> > No, the hack to use the inactive control color palette for entire
> > windows is just broken and can never be made to work properly.
> Plese explain me how come? sory coding is not my experties.

Let me correct the statement from Richard at the top;  using the inactive 
color palette for whole applications is broken by design.
There are lots of reasons for this, for example the window managers don't 
allow us to group windows together to mark them as a group.  Which is 
needed so the dockwidget (/helper window) is not marked as deactivated 
when focus moves to the mainwindow.

For that reason alone Oxygen doesn't have a chance to do this correctly.

As I stated in another thread; this stuff was designed to do things like 
change the selection color. And if you use it differently you can run 
into problems. If these problems are actual bugs is then open for 
interpretation :)
Thomas Zander
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