Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 17 18:58:50 BST 2007

Maksim Orlovich wrote:
>> it also messes with the appearance of things like the debugging toolbox in
>> plasma that currently appears on mouse hover; the entire thing is greyed
>> out
>> until you actually click on one of the widgets. this is certainly not the
>> expected or desired behaviour. forcing it to be the currently active
>> widget
>> when it slides out would cause other side-effects, so i don't want to do
>> that
>> either... =/
> Some things should never be focused but should never have reduced-contrast
> text--- see KPassivePopup

Agreed. It should be relatively easy to do this; I can think of two ways:
- pass an in-memory KConfig to KGlobalSettings::createApplicationPalette 
that specifies "no inactive effects"
- copy all Active colors to Inactive (this will break if/when we get a 
DisabledInactive state, at least for disabled widgets)

We should probably make this "simple", though I don't really want to be 
making even more API changes at this point. Is it reasonable to put this 
code in the places that need it, and move it to kdelibs in 4.1?

"It's impossible! But... do-able."
   -- Robert MacDougal (Sean Connery, Entrapment)

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