Will we support Thin Client computing well with KDE4? (was: "Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors")

Adam Treat treat at kde.org
Sun Sep 16 17:56:35 BST 2007

On Sunday 16 September 2007, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Sounds like a serious problem. So, what do we do. Try to do something
> about it, right?
> - we can start new Oxygen style design. Kick our artists out, find new
> ones, and write a new style.
> - we can try and think about a solution for the problems.

*sigh*  hate to add to this thread, but...

1) How about sinking the inactive window into the background or perhaps 
messing with the border in someway.

2) How about adding a gradient effect to the window deco with a margin around 
it.   The deco can still melt into widget.  Just put a margin around the 
gradient so that there is no hard border between the widget and the deco.



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