Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors
nuno at oxygen-icons.org
Fri Sep 14 17:49:50 BST 2007
A Friday 14 September 2007 11:11:55, Richard Dale escreveu:
> On Friday 07 September 2007, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> > Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> > > Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> > >> I'm thinking I'd like to check in the following diff as a temporary
> > >> measure to get people thinking about active vs. inactive widget
> > >> states.
> > >>
> > >> This is a TEMPORARY change (things will be configurable in 4.0-final
> > >> as I've previously talked about; (1) for example), but will hopefully
> > >> help shake people out of the KDE3 way of thinking where it was "ok" to
> > >> not think about widget states w.r.t. the color scheme.
> > >
> > > Since I'm hearing complaints about the current situation (basically,
> > > when using oxygen, can't tell active/inactive apart), I'm going to
> > > commit this by Friday unless someone objects.
> >
> > Done, since no one objected.
> I think this change is wrong because it turns your computer into a 'one
> window at a time' system. There must be better ways of showing which is the
> active window than changing the entire color scheme by darkening the window
> contents. I find it fatiguing when the window contents keep changing when
> you click on different windows - as opposed to just the window title bar
> changing (ie more transparent, or a different color), which is the normal
> way to indicate which window is the active one. If I want to read two
> documents at once, I don't want one doc dimmed and the other normal.
> -- Richard
Hi what i realy wnat is a sutle way to set the difrence betwin active an
inactive window. wthout losing the no windeck look.
Kwin aproch was the frist that we tried there, were aparently problems with
it. Then Mwoehlke camed up with this plan that to me seems great couse it
cnat give us lots more of potentiona in making the difrence betwin an active
and inactive window using even more subtle difrences.
If the flckering problem in onesty i think we should have a transitional efect
for about 0.1 secs or less so we dont have flickering. but i like what we
have so far it get the job done, thre is room for improvment but it works....
core oxygen icon designer
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