Proposal: Co-locate PIM-related ioslaves (Was: move ldap ioslave into kdepim(libs))

Allen Winter winter at
Fri Sep 7 22:49:43 BST 2007

On Friday 07 September 2007 12:28:10 am Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 06 September 2007, Allen Winter wrote:
> > On Wednesday 05 September 2007 9:36:43 pm Nhuh Put wrote:
> > > Hello
> > > I would like to move the ldap ioslave from kdebase/runtime into
> > > kdepimlibs or kdepim. This would make kdebase independent from
> > > kdepimlibs, as I can't find any other module in kdebase which depends on
> > > kdepimlibs.
> >
> > This has come up before.  I also suggested moving the smtp and pop3 slaves
> > to kdepimlibs.
> >
> > I thought there was at least 1 Plasmoid that depended on kdepimlibs?
> yes, there is one that uses libsyndicate .. all these are in playground right 
> now, however, and there is a check for libsyndicate in the cmake file.
> now, why do we want to make sure that kdebase is independant from kdepimlibs 
> exactly? is there some sort of useful goal or rule here that we're trying to 
> achieve? i thought the point of kdepimlibs was to provide useful libraries 
> for 3rd party use that are pim related to avoid deps on kdepim itself ...
I don't have any goal to make kdebase independent from kdepimlibs.

I do have a goal to organize things a little better. 
There are 2 issues I'd like to solve:
1. remove kdepim dependence on kdebase 
2. co-locate all the kdepim ioslaves

This is *not* a big deal.  If there are reasons not to move all the kdepim-related
ioslaves into kdepimlibs.. I certainly have other things I can work on.

The proposal is to move all these kioslaves into kdepimlibs:
 - imap4  (from kdepim)
 - sieve (from kdepim)
 - ldap (from kdebase/runtime)
 - pop3 (from kdebase/runtime)
 - smtp (from kdebase/runtime)
 - nntp (from kdebase/runtime)

Please let me know about objections before Monday


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