Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 5 22:39:46 BST 2007

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> I'm thinking I'd like to check in the following diff as a temporary 
> measure to get people thinking about active vs. inactive widget states.
> This is a TEMPORARY change (things will be configurable in 4.0-final as 
> I've previously talked about; (1) for example), but will hopefully help 
> shake people out of the KDE3 way of thinking where it was "ok" to not 
> think about widget states w.r.t. the color scheme.

Since I'm hearing complaints about the current situation (basically, 
when using oxygen, can't tell active/inactive apart), I'm going to 
commit this by Friday unless someone objects.

Meanwhile, here's a sample of what it does:

Again, this is just temporary so people can tell their windows apart, 
and get used to active palette != inactive palette (!= disabled 
palette). The final thing will be configurable. In fact, the WIP version 
of the config is in the screen shot :-). (Note that the final config 
will have a preview that is actually useful, rather than the current 
empty space where the preview placeholder widgets are.)

A pool hall put up a sign in their front window that read: "Profound 
language prohibited within." I could just imagine some people discussing 
the meaning of life and being told to take it outside. -- Scott Adams

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