KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Oct 24 22:49:33 BST 2007

On 25.10.07 00:27:05, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 24.10.07 22:22:49, Leo Savernik wrote:
> > > c) release 4.0, admit that it didn't cut it, and release 5.0 in
> > > place of 4.1 to make KDE shine.
> >
> > Just one comment: How is 5.0 with BIC changes different from 4.1 with
> > BIC changes? 
> Third party developers must be sure that if they write something now, it 
> will work with the rest of 4.x releases. Doing a 5.0 instead of 4.1 (if 
> 4.1 breaks BC) would make KDE a serious BC keeping project (unlike some 
> famous other projects).

Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought the real issue is that those
projects don't increase the soversion when they change their libs in a
BIC way, which we of course would do. So no KDE4.0 app would try to use
KDE4.1 libs and thus users would just need to recompile.

Another point I forgot to include: I pretty much doubt that any
company using KDE in an enterprise environment will switch to any KDE
4.0 version, it just lacks testing, features and general stability -
compared to 3.5.8. So those will probably build on top of 4.1 and wether
their apps run on 4.0 doesn't concern them as they'll most probably
require 4.1 anyway because they need the stability and features from it.

> This is the theory. The truth is that aside being BC, the other
> important issue is how long a version lives on. If an 5.0 with
> different API is released quickly after 4.0, that would also piss off
> third party developers. Still IF there will be a BIC kdelibs[*] in
> 4.1, I'd vote for not calling it 4.1 anymore, for the reasons Leo
> said.

I don't really care too much which way will be taken, _if_ we really
need to break BC.

> > 4.1, I doubt you can run the simple Qt4.3 examples against a Qt4.0
> > (but I'm not sure).
> You got it wrong. The idea of BC is to have Qt4.0 examples running under 
> 4.3 without recompiling. The other way around it is normal that it 
> won't work.

Thats only one direction, the Trolls also consider the other direction
important (though of course not as important as the backwards BC). And
unless I'm mistaken the forward BC works for 4.2<->4.3, unless of course
you use 4.3 features.

Anyway, I think EOT for me, after all this is all hypothetical still,
nobody has any changes that absolutely need to go into 4.1 and will
break BC - AFAIK.


You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

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