4.0 -> 4.1 binary compatibility

Michael Pyne michael.pyne at kdemail.net
Wed Oct 24 22:37:29 BST 2007

On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 24.10.07 22:22:49, Leo Savernik wrote:
> > c) release 4.0, admit that it didn't cut it, and release 5.0 in place of
> > 4.1 to make KDE shine.
> Just one comment: How is 5.0 with BIC changes different from 4.1 with
> BIC changes? KDE doesn't have the manpower to develop 4.x and 5.x at the
> same time, so we'd have to tell all people that just switched to 4.0,
> they now have to port to 5.0 because thats the only release thats
> actively worked on.

You've kind of answered your own question though.  If we break BC with 4.1 
then we'll have to tell all people that just switched to 4.0 that they now 
have to port to 4.1.

A binary incompatible C++ library change is never trivial.  Even more so on 
those poor source-based users (Gentoo, LFS).

On the other hand it's a different thing for an application (that is, out of 
kde*libs) to become binary incompatible, but that would have to be some kind 
of extreme circumstance if we can help it.

But if we break BC in libraries then we practically have to call it 5.0.  
Anything else isn't very honest.

 - Michael Pyne
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