[PATCH] Re: Missing Clear entry in context menu for lineedit

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Oct 24 18:41:40 BST 2007

Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> In theory, I think "clear" would only clear the selection, but I
>> agree that this seems more likely to cause confusion than adding
>> "clear" that really means "clear all".
> I read several times, but I don't understand what is your preference, 
> Clear or Clear All. :)

<short answer>
"Clear" :-).
</short answer>

<attempt to clarify>
In theory, I think "clear" would only clear the selection, but I agree 
that [using "clear" in this manner] seems more likely to cause confusion 
than [Jakob's suggestion of] adding "clear" that [does what you might 
otherwise expect "clear all" to do, i.e. remove all text in the edit].
</attempt to clarify>

We could add a 'real' "clear", that only clears the selection, but this 
seems likely to cause confusion. We could add "clear all", but since we 
will not, in light of the previous statement, have "clear", this seems 
superfluous. Therefore "clear", which "really" does a 'clear all', seems 
like TRTTD. Therefore using the name "clear", to remove all text in the 
edit (not just selection), seems to make the most sense.

Clear (no pun intended) as mud? ;-)

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