Filterin the debug output

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Oct 23 13:02:35 BST 2007

On 23.10.07 14:05:29, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 October 2007, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > That's the problem: for unknown debug codes, the default is visible.
> > The list with codes needs to be expanded.
> Yeah, and that's a problem. For example 9016 outputs KHTMLPluginKTTSD 
> info. But in kdebug.areas:
> #9016        kdevelop (perl support)
> So in the past it was part of kdevelop (as all areas from 9000-9039 and 
> 9500-9510).
> I think this has to be cleaned up.

Whoever started to use 9016 in KHTML needs to change that. 9016 was
always part of kdevelop in kde3 and kde4 ever since as are now the rest
of the numbers from 9000 to 9100. I'm going to add a comment to
kdebug.areas about that.


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