KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Tue Oct 23 12:50:53 BST 2007


On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:49:56 +0200, Kevin Ottens <ervin at> wrote:

> Le mardi 23 octobre 2007, Sebastian Kügler a écrit :

>> When opening KCMs, I often see two or three file progress windows

> popping

>> up, very shortly . It happens for the Appearance dialog for example and

> is

>> visually distracting. If anyone can point me to the place where this can

> be

>> fixed, I would have a look. (I understand it's not the scope of this

>> discussion, I'd be happy to be proven wrong, of course.)

That was indeed the reason because I saw this code could have been improved

(KIO::NetAccess). I didn't fix it partially because of a lack of time, so

Sebas, if you want to track it down, please CCMAIL me the commit, or just

tell me where did you get. I will do the same if I find something

interesting when have some free time.


Rafael Fernández López.

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