QLabel kills our KMessageBoxes (and others)

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 17:27:43 BST 2007

On Wednesday 17 October 2007 22:05:40 Michael Pyne wrote:
> I believe it is caused by multiline rich-text QLabels.  So the solution
> unfortunately seems to be either not to use them, wait for the trolls to
> actually fix the bug, or if richtext is required, then to use multiple
> single-line labels stacked as necessary.  Of course, that makes translation
> hard to do. :(

That's surely related to QLabels with word-wrap turned on.
Some time ago I reported this bug to Qt too and I received a reply that it 
won't be fixed because it can't be fixed *sigh*

I found a kind of workaround though. Sometimes it works good, sometimes not 
(it tends to produce different results on different OSes): I do something 

wordWrappedLabel->setMinimumHeight( wordWrappedLabel->heightForWidth( 
labelsWidth );

But labelsWidth needs to be calculated too....


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