
Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Oct 16 20:26:27 BST 2007

On Tuesday 16 October 2007 21:15:21 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Sure, but what if I want an icon 250x250 - nothing to downscale,
> right, largest icon is 64x64 or something. SVG would solve that. So
> only upscaling, then, above 64x64. Seems Rafael can do it. Would you
> agree with doing that?

I wouldn't. It'll look very broken. Even more broken that upscaling from 
128x128. And, seriously, do you really need to display such big icons?
This will come with 4.1, and I don't think our users will mind not having that 
in 4.0 too much, especially given the other problems we have. ;-)

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