
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Oct 16 13:36:34 BST 2007

On 16.10.07 14:29:25, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Alex Merry wrote:
> > On Tuesday 16 Oct 2007, Tom Albers wrote:
> > > I've a simple question. Isn't there a possibility for QPrinter to
> > > simply accept a ps or pdf blob and deal with that?
> >
> > No.  The reason for that is that would require QPrinter to be a PDF/PS
> > renderer (it's cross-platform, and you can't just throw a PDF or PS
> > file at the Windows print system).
> What is the main difference between rendering a PDF or PS on-screen and 
> rendering it on a printer?
> I mean the PDF viewers can already display a PDF file on one kind of 
> QPaintDevice, so there must be some difference I am overlooking.

>From what Pino said so far I guess they let poppler do the rendering and
fetch a pixmap to be displayed in okular's viewport. And of course using
that pixmap for printing will produce bad results.


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