KIconLoader implementation details [PATCH HERE]

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Mon Oct 15 01:05:45 BST 2007


Of course, I forgot to attach. Here it is.

> with the icon cache the performance problems *should* lessened even more,

Hooah !

> [...] however, the real issue is that ability
> for us to render the svg's properly. there are various issues ranging from
> using the small versions of the svg's when they should be to things that
> QSvgRenderer still doesn't support or do properly that inkscape does.

Right now every icon I have seen with non standard sizes and loading from the 
SVG has been correctly painted. I think that if we consider the small cases 
on SVG that can fail in front of all non standard sizes being rescaled from 
PNG's, I really would prefer to take the SVG "risk".

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López.
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