Special characters and KLauncher

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at kde.org
Mon Oct 8 09:19:05 BST 2007

Le lundi 8 octobre 2007, Rafael Fernández López a écrit :
> Hi again,
> Another bug inside that code... when opening a "binary" file with KWrite
> that it shows a warning dialog (and uses KUrl.url() for showing which file)
> was showing the same stuff: /home/ereslibre/documentaci%20C%n/whatever.pdf
> or something like that.
> With the attached patch absolutely everything of that kind is fixed :)
> Should I commit ?

You can't use prettyUrl() in url().
prettyUrl() is there to display to the user and will remove some stuff (such 
as the password)
So if you do that I fear url containing a password may fail to be transmitted 
(see also my patch in my last mail)

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