Beta3 Delayed (Again)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Oct 5 12:31:20 BST 2007

On 03.10.07 11:13:15, Allen Winter wrote:
> Howdy,
> We, the Release Team, have decided to delay the beta3 tagging
> until next Monday 8 October.  There are a few critical issues
> that we still need to complete before this beta.
> We will have a "BIC Day" on Friday 5 October (in 2 days)
> for the changes shown below to kdelibs.
> In kdelibs we will only allow:
>  1) the new KConfig

We're done with porting what we could. This includes all of trunk,
except kdebindings (which we don't really know how to port :(, thus
cc'ing rdale and Simon Edwards explicitly ), koffice and all of
extragear. I also ported playground/plasma (which to me seemed like the
most important part of playground), but the rest of playground is
unported and thus will most probably break at various places. I don't
have the time and space to port playground before the merge, but I will
start on that right after the merge (so I don't have trunk+branch builds
on my disk). 

I'll start the merging as soon as I'm back home at around 5pm (CET),
unfortunately I can't do trunk/ at once, so only kdelibs,pimlibs and
base will be ported initially, the rest will come in as my space allows.

As far as testing goes: I've run at least 2 apps from each module and
tested wether they could read and save their settings, so far there are
(as of now, hopefully fixed before the merge) two issues outstanding:
- readPathEntry doesn't replace $HOME from the config file with the real
- kword crashes on startup trying to read a QVariantList

Both are looked into by PutHuhn, the QvariantList-read-crash is not
triggered by kconfigtest. There's a test in place for readPathEntry in
the branch (which fails of course).

Hope thats enough information :)


PS: For authors from playground reading this: Porting mostly means
adding kdebug/kconfiggroup include's to files where you use those and
didn't have them before. And porting things like KConfig cfg(). to use a proper group.

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