konsolepart usability

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Oct 4 16:49:09 BST 2007

On 04.10.07 17:27:40, Anders Lund wrote:
> On Thursday 04 October 2007, Anders Lund wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Konsolepart in kde4 is not very usable. Compared to kde3.5, it lost
> > openURL(), and the part provides no way of configuring (by the user or the
> > programmer) the session.
> >
> > Are there any plans of making it a bit more usable?
> >
> > In the case of Kate, we have lost the ability to syncronize the konsole
> > with the current document, and personally I'd like to be able to select a
> > schema or profile or whatever it is for the embedded konsole.
> Also, the header isn't even installed, so the extremely limited functionality 
> the part provides isn't even accessible :-(

Uhm, konsolepart provides a TerminalInterface (including header in
kdelibs) that allows to open a dir.

That said, yes the session stuff is really something needed and also a
fix to the stealing of shortcuts from other apps (like shift+left/right,
which is meaningless in the part atm anyway because you can't open new


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