A request for those commit API changes

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Oct 3 15:51:54 BST 2007

On 02.10.07 13:02:52, Simon Edwards wrote:
> Hello all,
> For people committing changes to APIs, once you've committed a change can you 
> also send a quick note to this list saying what it was and in which revision. 
> This makes life a lot easier for bindings developers who live and die by API 
> changes and like to know what's "comin' down the pipe".

This friday will be BIC Friday, David Faure has some changes in the pipe
and I'm working with Bernhard Loos on the kconfig stuff. We will have
trunk+koffice+as much of playground/keg as we can ported, I'm not sure
though I can port any part of kdebindings (not having csharp here and
also not ruby). You can see the new API of KConfig&Co under


(yes I know very long url)

Tagging was moved to next monday.


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