kwin clients - virtual colorsSupported()?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Thu Nov 29 17:17:36 GMT 2007

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> aseigo and I have been having a little discussion [1] about kwin colors, 
> the upshot of which seems to be that kwinclients should communicate what 
> colors they support, similar I suppose to how they report what buttons 
> they support.
> Without knowing kwin very well, my gut reaction is that the "best" way 
> to do this is with a pure virtual, which means making the change *now* 
> since it is BIC+SIC. (aseigo says a getter+setter can be done BC but 
> agrees that a virtual is probably better.)
> Lubos, your thoughts?
> 1:

Based on discussion with Lubos, I committed option 1 from [2], as Lubos 
described it with AbilityAnnounceColors. Here is the patch, with 
comments stripped:

Index: ../../lib/kdecoration.h
--- ../../lib/kdecoration.h     (revision 742728)
+++ ../../lib/kdecoration.h     (working copy)
@@ -152,7 +152,10 @@
      enum Ability
+        // announce
          AbilityAnnounceButtons = 0,
+        AbilityAnnounceColors = 1,
+        // buttons
          AbilityButtonMenu = 1000,
          AbilityButtonOnAllDesktops = 1001,
          AbilityButtonSpacer = 1002,
@@ -164,6 +167,15 @@
          AbilityButtonBelowOthers = 1008,
          AbilityButtonShade = 1009,
          AbilityButtonResize = 1010,
+        // colors
+        AbilityColorTitleBack = 2000,
+        AbilityColorTitleFore = 2001,
+        AbilityColorTitleBlend = 2002,
+        AbilityColorFrame = 2010,
+        AbilityColorHandle = 2011,
+        AbilityColorButtonBack = 2020,
+        AbilityColorButtonFore = 2021,
+        // TODO colors for individual button types
          ABILITY_DUMMY = 10000000
          }; it only adds enum values and is thus SC+BC.

When we go to use this in the color kcm, we will have to decide what 
colors should be assumed for clients that do not support 


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