Showstoppers, was: Re: Fwd: Re: Release Mode

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Nov 27 11:42:37 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 27 November 2007 12:03:48 Will Stephenson wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 November 2007, Sebastian Kügler said:
> > I'm trying to convert the information I've gathered into something that
> > can be used as canonical source for the release team, so please shout out
> > loud if I make incorrect assumptions.
> Are you using the Krush-Days list as well to gather potential showstoppers?
>  I ask because we as developers run the risk of not seeing the wood for the
> trees, or of getting so familiar with the bugs and our own well-worn usage
> paths that we no longer perceive what others would see as a showstopper.
> Thus your assumptions might be fine but their inputs might be incomplete.
> If the Krush list doesn't throw up anything new, how about we open another
> wiki page as a 'Showstopper Whiteboard to solicit unstructured complaints
> that we can thresh a bit for things we might have missed?

I didn't take the Krush page into account. I'll have a look at it tonight 
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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