Kio:slave http

David Faure faure at
Mon Nov 26 16:37:41 GMT 2007

On Monday 26 November 2007, mirttex85-kde at wrote:
> Hi David,
> Now, a good diff. Hope this one is right.

[Was sent to kde-core-devel by mistake, hence lack of context].

But this patch needs approval anyway; it contains a bugfix (support for resume offsets >2GB)
and a feature ("resume_until" metadata, for an HTTP download from an offset to another offset,
"Range: bytes=123-456" in HTTP terms).

The patch looks good and safe enough to me, I'm in favour of it being committed.
It's a no-op for any existing KDE code, but it will allow apps to request partial
downloads - I guess kget might be interested in that.

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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