gcc -Woverloaded-virtual

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Sat Nov 24 22:59:25 GMT 2007

Since this warning is on, I have been hitting warnings in jobclasses.h a bit
too much. Attached patch fixes those with "using KCompositeJob::bla;"
lines. Is it ok to apply?

Note that fixing the warning gets really interesting if the "offending"
method takes optional parameters. Look at this example

class KCompositeJob {
    virtual void addSubjob(KJob*);

class KIO::Job : public KCompositeJob {
    virtual void addSubjob(Job*, bool inheritData = true);

My first attempt was this:

class KIO::Job : public KCompositeJob {
    virtual void addSubjob(Job*, bool inheritData = true);
    using KCompositeJob::addSubjob;

But it doesn't work: gcc complains calling addSubjob(Job*) is ambiguous.

Instead I had to do this:

class KIO::Job : public KCompositeJob {
    virtual void addSubjob(Job*, bool inheritData); /* <- no more default */
    void addSubjob(Job* job) { addSubjob(job, true); }
    using KCompositeJob::addSubjob;

Note that the "using" line is still necessary because even without the
overloaded parameter, the signatures of the two methods are still
different: KCompositeJob::addSubjob() accepts a KJob* while
KIO::Job::addSubjob() takes a KIO::Job* (this one had me confused for a

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