More open/save dialog issues

Jon de Andrés jondeandres at
Fri Nov 23 01:38:22 GMT 2007


i've written a small patch for KDIrOperator in order to show previewed icons 
in the view, for the 'Simple View'.

It's not finished obviously but i think I could finish it as soon as possible. 
I've thought that could be another View Mode as "Icon View" or an 
option "Show embedded previews" or something similar.

Some notes:
	* previews instead of icons only in a new icon view with vertical scrollbar
		-> or perhaps an option to apply for all the views?

	*  with this new mode -> hide the preview widget ?? I think it's easier and 
not so overloaded.
	* zoom in and zoom out?

I attach the small patch if you'd like to take a look to it, it not works 
properly yet at least is something...

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