Showstoppers, was: Re: Fwd: Re: Release Mode

Sebastian Kuegler sebas at
Fri Nov 23 00:17:51 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 21 November 2007 16:33:23 Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Friday 16 of November 2007, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> > On Friday 16 of November 2007, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > > The Release Team would like to see all KDE developers get into Release
> > > Mode.
> > > ... so you feel like getting your hands dirty? The following pages
> > > contain list of bugs. Pick one and try to fix it. Then pick the next
> > > one.
> >
> >  Is there something for tracking the remaining showstopper issues?
>  It seems this question got lost in the noise. Or are we just going with
> the usual "it's ready when the release dude/team sees no problem anymore"?

From a glance on
some items have showstoppers open:

- Plasma, panel layouts, systray, desktop folder, artwork? (aseigo)
- Phonon, short oggs with libxine (1) (mkretz)
- Color configuration, non-composited contrast between active and inactive 
  windows (mwoehlke)
- Artwork, some icons are missing in systemsettings, might be a naming issue 
- Oxygen Style, QToolBox not drawing, color audit (mwoehlke, boemann)
- Konqueror, Integration of dolphin part (dfaure)
- Kate: config saving bugs (kwrite-devel)
- Printing, does anyone know? I lost track in all those emails :/
- Co-Installability: someone?
- KHTML: Oxygen style issues

Then, there's the list with upstream issues, one regarding TT, one libxine. 
And the group of issues I forgot to mention. :>

(1) A hideous ugly workaround is to use wav files for systemsounds, but that   
    doesn't make listening to your ogg colletion any more fun.

Could those that read k-c-d and are mentioned above give an update on the 
status and maybe an estimated time of arrival? I'll try to get hold of the 
other group then.

Also, we should also start using bugzilla much more extensively now. Things 
like the krush page are handy, and nicely presented (hey, techbase rocks!) 
than bugzilla, but it's easy to loose sight if we keep doing this. 
Bugtracking in emails is just awful. 
Probably only bugzilla scales well enough, we should have that process in 
place for the release.
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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