kwin default window button order.

Alex Merry huntedhacker at
Wed Nov 21 15:15:56 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 21 Nov 2007, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  No, nothing has happened yet, besides Aaron committing the patch
> without changing the defaults. Right now it's waiting on me to make
> up my mind, read what others have said (your "lots" is 4, BTW, if I'm
> counting right, with 2 people saying close on the right and 2 close
> on the left) and select the new layout if any (and hey, I had a
> weekend).

I've had
max min [extra space] sticky winmenu title................ close
for a while now.  It requires a little thinking to remember to go to the 
left for maximise and minimise, so I definitely think close should stay 
right (given that it's used a lot more frequently).

I agree that there needs to be more space between close and the other 
buttons.  As yet, I'm undecided as to whether having close on its own 
and others on the left or having just lots more space on the right 
feels better.


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