KJob deleting itself too early?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Nov 19 23:09:51 GMT 2007

On 19.11.07 23:54:07, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Le lundi 19 novembre 2007, David Faure a écrit :
> > We cannot change the default behavior of KJob at this point.
> > But a setAutoDelete(false) would be fine with me.
> > Kévin is the maintainer though, he has final say.
> Actually I was pretty sure we already had that... As for a separate flag like 
> setAutoDelete(), or extending the Capabilities flag I'm undecided. In any 
> case the default must be auto delete enabled IMO.

I didn't pay much attention to KJob discussions as KDevelop wasn't
influenced by them until summer this year...

> Is it too late for such an API addition? (or an enum value, or a pair of 
> methods)

For 4.0 its too late - I think there were already enough breakages of
the freeze ;). But AFAIK both ways (either extending the enum or
adding two new methods) are BC and thus either can be done for 4.1.
KDevelop is not released with KDE 4.0 so for us waiting is not a problem


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