Using StyleSheets is bad WAS Re: Konqueror lineedit Bug

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Mon Nov 19 22:45:41 GMT 2007


> My idea would be removing the stylesheet, because passing the font to the
> stylesheet string "fixes" the current bug but will break when someone calls
> setFont over a KLineEdit. But i did not find a way to set "padding-right"
> property on a QLineEdit without using StyleSheets.

Well, it is only needed to reimplement paintEvent() and override some stuff on 
event() method to check if clicks were made on that part of the widget.

If it is necessary, I volunteer for this purpose.

> And may i suggest adding a krazy check about setStyleSheet calls? If Qt has
> that restriction about fonts and styleSheets i think using styleSheets
> should be recommended against.


Rafael Fernández López

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