SVG KPart?

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at
Wed Nov 14 23:45:29 GMT 2007

Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> On Wednesday 14 November 2007, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> I have been wondering if there is an SVG KPart for KDE4. I need one to be
>> able to show SVG in Gwenview. If there is none, I could create a simple
>> one using QGraphicsView. What do you think about this?
> is QSvgWidget not enough? you probably don't need QGrahpicsView for this,
> unless you are planning on having multiple objects, etc.

If QSvgWidget can zoom and pan, then it's enough. My main concern is to
avoid duplicating work: I don't want to develop an SVG KPart for KDE4 if
there is already one.


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