focus policy (unhijack Re: [patch] Grab windows anywhere, not just titlebar)

Andreas Hartmetz ahartmetz at
Thu Nov 8 20:00:12 GMT 2007

Am Donnerstag, 8. November 2007 14:48:34 schrieb Cristian Tibirna:
> Le Wednesday, 7 November 2007, Andreas Pakulat a écrit :
> > JFYI: I have a similar issue right now on my system with XFCE4, the run
> > dialog is shown on top of all windows initially. But it doesn't get
> > focus so I can't directly type in the app to start and as soon as I
> > accidentally move the mouse a bit focus is lost. Either way I have to
> > switch via alt-tab to it. _Extremely_ annoying, almost making it
> > unusable - luckily I don't use XFCE4 that often :)
> This is very probably a consequence of insane focus policies. Does XFCE use
> something like focus follows mouse or focus under mouse?

KDE has very configurable focus policies, and for the record: I think special 
windows should look special. That makes the desktop environment look more 
sophisticated and less boring and that's a Good Thing.
Watch Asa Raskin's Google TechTalk about user interfaces and pay special 
attention to the part "the toolkit straightjacket".
It's also quite interesting to hear that this guy considers "final" usability 
more important than discoverability. Question his authority if you want - I 
don't agree with everything he has to say either.

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