[PATCH] virtualizing methods in KConfigSkeleton

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu May 24 15:58:07 BST 2007


attached is the patch to KConfigSkeleton and kconfig_compiler to
virtualize the 4 methods: readConfig(),writeConfig(),useDefaults(bool)
and setDefaults().

On top of the virtual I changed the two *Defaults() methods back to how
they worked before Adam Treat changed them (that is as in KDE3) - this
was overlooked by Laurent when he reverted read/writeConfig.

Also I extended the api dox to more clearly state when you can override
usr* and when you should override read/writeConfig and use/setDefaults.

I already converted all occurences of ::writeConfig(); in trunk/KDE,
trunk/koffice and trunk/multimedia/amarok to ::self()->writeConfig();
because the static writeConfig will vanish from kconfig_compiler
generated code when this is committed. There are a few occurences in
extragear which I couldn't convert because I don't see CMakeLists.txt in
pim,utils and office and thus couldn't do a test-build.

Any objections against comitting this on Monday 28th?


Good night to spend with family, but avoid arguments with your mate's
new lover.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: kdecore/kconfig_compiler/kconfig_compiler.cpp
--- kdecore/kconfig_compiler/kconfig_compiler.cpp	(Revision 667521)
+++ kdecore/kconfig_compiler/kconfig_compiler.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1532,14 +1532,6 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
     h << endl;
-  // Static writeConfig method for singleton
-  if ( singleton ) {
-    h << "    static" << endl;
-    h << "    void writeConfig()" << endl;
-    h << "    {" << endl;
-    h << "      static_cast<KConfigSkeleton*>(self())->writeConfig();" << endl;
-    h << "    }" << endl;
-  }
   // Signal definition.
   if( hasSignals ) {
Index: kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.cpp
--- kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.cpp	(Revision 667521)
+++ kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -976,11 +976,25 @@ KConfigSkeletonItem::List KConfigSkeleto
 bool KConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool b)
-  return usrUseDefaults(b);
+  if (b == mUseDefaults)
+    return mUseDefaults;
+  mUseDefaults = b;
+  KConfigSkeletonItem::List::ConstIterator it;
+  for( it = mItems.begin(); it != mItems.end(); ++it )
+  {
+    (*it)->swapDefault();
+  }
+  usrUseDefaults(b);
+  return !mUseDefaults;
 void KConfigSkeleton::setDefaults()
+  KConfigSkeletonItem::List::ConstIterator it;
+  for( it = mItems.begin(); it != mItems.end(); ++it ) {
+    (*it)->setDefault();
+  }
@@ -1011,29 +1025,14 @@ void KConfigSkeleton::writeConfig()
   emit configChanged();
 bool KConfigSkeleton::usrUseDefaults(bool b)
-  if (b == mUseDefaults)
-     return mUseDefaults;
-  mUseDefaults = b;
-  KConfigSkeletonItem::List::ConstIterator it;
-  for( it = mItems.begin(); it != mItems.end(); ++it )
-  {
-    (*it)->swapDefault();
-  }
-  return !mUseDefaults;
 void KConfigSkeleton::usrSetDefaults()
-  KConfigSkeletonItem::List::ConstIterator it;
-  for( it = mItems.begin(); it != mItems.end(); ++it ) {
-    (*it)->setDefault();
-  }
 void KConfigSkeleton::usrReadConfig()
Index: kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.h
--- kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.h	(Revision 667521)
+++ kdeui/config/kconfigskeleton.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -937,26 +937,35 @@ public:
    * Set all registered items to their default values.
-   * This method is implemented by usrSetDefaults(), which can be overridden
-   * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
+   * This method calls usrSetDefaults() after setting the defaults for the
+   * registered items. You can overridde usrSetDefaults() in derived classes
+   * if you have special requirements.
+   * If you need more fine-grained control of setting the default values of
+   * the registered items you can override setDefaults() in a derived class.
-  void setDefaults();
+  virtual void setDefaults();
    * Read preferences from config file. All registered items are set to the
    * values read from disk.
-   * This method is implemented by usrReadConfig(), which can be overridden
+   * This method calls usrReadConfig() after reading the settings of the
+   * registered items from the KConfig. You can overridde usrReadConfig()
    * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
+   * If you need more fine-grained control of storing the settings from
+   * the registered items you can override readConfig() in a derived class.
-  void readConfig();
+  virtual void readConfig();
    * Write preferences to config file. The values of all registered items are
    * written to disk.
-   * This method is implemented by usrWriteConfig(), which can be overridden
+   * This method calls usrWriteConfig() after writing the settings from the
+   * registered items to the KConfig. You can overridde usrWriteConfig()
    * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
+   * If you need more fine-grained control of storing the settings from
+   * the registered items you can override writeConfig() in a derived class.
-  void writeConfig();
+  virtual void writeConfig();
    * Set the config file group for subsequent addItem() calls. It is valid
@@ -1295,7 +1304,10 @@ public:
    * Specify whether this object should reflect the actual values or the
    * default values.
    * This method is implemented by usrUseDefaults(), which can be overridden
-   * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
+   * in derived classes if you have special requirements and can call
+   * usrUseDefaults() directly.
+   * If you don't have control wether useDefaults() or usrUseDefaults() is
+   * called override useDefaults() directly.
    * @param b true to make this object reflect the default values,
    *          false to make it reflect the actual values.
    * @return The state prior to this call

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