release cairo4qt 0.9 - a cairo based paint engine for Qt4

drag chan zgchan317 at
Tue May 22 04:08:27 BST 2007

Hello everybody, I'm to glad to release cairo4qt.

cairo4qt, just like the name, implements a cairo based paint engine
for Qt4's Arthur paint system. It's licenced under GPLv2. Most paint
functions have been implemented and test on Linux, so the first
veriosn is 0.9.

Qt >= 4.2.0 (tested with 4.2.3)
cairo >= 1.4.0

Current Status:
1) support most cairo based paintengine features except ConicalGradientFill
2) not implement cairo based text draw functions, text display is slower
3) only support cairo's xlib/xlib-render backend, so just
QWidget/QPixmap can use cairo4qt on Linux system



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