D-Bus problem

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri May 18 11:58:20 BST 2007

On 18.05.07 09:44:33, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > After about 4 hours of kdebug-adding+recompiling I found that the
> > hostname lookup for the pc name doesn't work which breaks the socket.
> > Then I tried to track down this a bit and came into kdecore/network. So
> > I looked at the log. I didn't see any comment that would point into the
> > right direction so I just tried with a revert of everything up to May
> > 10th. Unfortunately that didn't help yet... I have another build started
> > right now and will look at the additional kdebug outputs tomorrow.
> >   
> There is probably something not working in the KResolver.

Ok, it seems that the peerResolver doesn't work anymore, at the end of
KClientSocketBase::lookup() d->localResolver's state is 10, while the
one of d->peerResolver is -101, so it failed to find the peer.

I'm cc'ing k-c-d because I've got no idea how to debug this further
without another 4 hours of adding kdebug messages...

The problem we're having is that kio slaves don't work on windows
anymore and the reason seems to be that name resolving doesn't work
anymore. I already tried reverting all changes up to may 10th, but that
didn't help. I know now for sure the change that broke this was
introduced between april 26th and a week or two ago. (I created a
kdevelop4 screenshot on windows at that date)


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