KDE4 default shortcut theme

Ellen Reitmayr ellen at kde.org
Thu Mar 29 16:03:32 BST 2007

On Thursday 29 March 2007 15:53, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Thursday 29 March 2007 15:40, Ellen Reitmayr wrote:
> >  but blind people won't notice there is a alt combination for a docker if
> > they can't access it otherwise. there should really be a general shortcut
> > to reach dockers.
> Am I mistakenly thinking that the alt-style shortcuts are generally for
> accessibility? I know that people who can't use the mouse benefit, and I
> assumed that screen readers (for the blind) would show there to be a
> shortcut.

No, shortcuts in general are not for accessibility, but this particular one 

> If that is not the case; I'm thinking we should be working with the
> screen-reader application writers to make sure that top-level component
> navigation (like all windows and dockers of an application) is done a lot
> smoother there.

Hm, it means we need to include other parties to get something done we can 
easily do ourselves. Plus Alt-X provides docker, but no toolbar access.

> Just reserving another shortcut, that people also have to learn and that
> applications can no longer user is the easy way out IMOHO.

Ellen Reitmayr
KDE Usability Project
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