KDE4 default shortcut theme

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Thu Mar 29 13:20:48 BST 2007

On Thursday 29 March 2007 13:50, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > Same thing as with Shift-Tab, there's no tab-order defined here and
> > > thus we'd need to introduce a way of defining the "next" and "previous"
> > > component.
> >
> > that's exactly what we ask for. for full keyboard access, there has to be
> > a way to reach dockers and toolbars.
> Hmm, you're right in that jumping between central widget and dockwidgets
> needs to be available for full keyboard access (although some apps will
> have extra keys to jump to specific docks). I'm not sure about the
> toolbars, as IMHO every toolbar action should have a shortcut assigned
> to it... I guess I revert my objection then :)

Since Qt43 QDockWidgets can have a title like '&Foo' where the F becomes 
I just tried (qt-copy/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets) and pressing 'Alt F' 
doesn't actually do anything, which I regard as a bug.

Point is; there seems to be a better and more visible way to do this. So if 
possible, avoiding reserving a key for this feature would be nice.

Thomas Zander
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