[PATCH] RFC: Changing the language of individual KDE programs

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Wed Mar 28 10:43:11 BST 2007

David Faure napisaƂ(a):
> On Wednesday 28 March 2007, Krzysztof Lichota wrote:
>>> Oh, this is Qt3/kde3 code. I hope QVariant can contain the type
>>> of data you want to put into it then...
>> I do not see the option to put arbitrary pointer in QVariant in Qt3
>> docs.
> OK I think the Qt3 way would be to just have a QMap in the dialog
> that associates the button with whatever it needs to be associated
> with. Then you don't need this void* usage and this extra class
> [which even pollutes the header that you want to make public :)]. I
> strongly recomment a QMap<QPushButton*, SomeStruct> to avoid the
> new/deletes and risks of memleaks.

Mapping from pushbutton to struct is only part of the problem. The other
part is how to identify which button was pushed? clicked() signal does
not carry this information.

	Krzysztof Lichota

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