Improved character selector

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue Mar 27 21:00:36 BST 2007

Torsten Rahn wrote:
> I'd say that 90% of the users go into the Charselector to search for a glyph 
> that is not accessible via the keyboard and have it copied into the clipboard 
> (or similar) via pressing a button. 
> So having a "search" line edit at the top doesn't really make sense unless you 
> plan to look-up details via a keystroke which will likely be the minority of 
> users. I also think that the details tab on the right covers way too many 
> details presented by default.

I think there is some confusion here. You seem to be expecting that you 
would find the glyph (e.g.) '<' by typing '<' into the search l.e., 
whereas I *think* the search l.e. is actually for searching by 
/description/, i.e. you would search for "less than" to find '<', which 
seems sensible.

But I'm not 100% sure so maybe someone else can confirm. :-)

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