EBN Fixes (dnssd, kutils, threadweaver)

Alex Merry alexander.merry at ccc.ox.ac.uk
Sat Mar 17 23:32:13 GMT 2007

Some EBN fixes.  The dnssd fixes should be relatively uncontroversial, I 
should think.

kutils has a couple of files I'd appreciate someone with knowledge of 
the files checking.  Particularly the changes I've made to 
kcmoduleproxy.cpp and kmultitabbar.cpp.

I was conservative about the changes I made to threadweaver, because 
threading is one of those areas that always gives the impression that 
it would explode horribly if touched in just the wrong way.

As mentioned before, there is a missing license/copyright in 
threadweaver/Examples/QProcessJob: mirko did the original import, so is 
likely to know most about it.

Alex :-)
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