Could kdecore depend on kjs?

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at
Mon Mar 12 17:15:51 GMT 2007

> I'd like to use KJS for scripting in kdecore/localization, so I wonder if
> there is any dependency policy problem with that?
> At the moment, it seems to me that kjs has been made to depend on kdecore,
> but that it needs not (though, I neither know cmake nor kjs that well).
> The
> patch to make it the other way round is attached. I don't know if there is
> something missing, but some of my KJS tests in kdecore compile just fine.

KJS does not use any kdecore functionality; in fact the only thing it uses
Qt for is unicode tables. So technically, there is no issue, I think. I'll
avoid commenting on the rest as I am an interested party :-)


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