KPalette* cleanup?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Fri Jun 29 20:59:33 BST 2007

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> After going over KPalette (which is totally unrelated to QPalette :-) ), 
> I'd like to propose renaming this to KColorCollection, and also renaming 
> KPaletteTable to KColorTable. This way a: we don't have a class named 
> after a Qt class to which it is totally unrelated, and b: we continue 
> the precedent of having KColor* classes.
> I have kdelibs and kdebase patched already. KOffice also needs to be 
> patched (I currently don't have a koffice checkout; volunteers would be 
> appreciated). What about extragear?
> As promised yesterday, here is the patch (omitting housekeeping in 
> kdelibs/includes). This includes better names of KColorCollection 
> members and moves its data into the d-ptr. This doesn't attempt to 
> completely rename private member variables away from 'palette' however, 
> but that's BC+SC cleanup that can be done any time.
> Obviously it's... a lot. Should we do all of this? Some of this? None of 
> this?

Since there have been no objections, I plan to commit this (in entirety) 
on Monday. (NOTE: lxr is no longer turning up results in koffice, nor is 
grep in my local checkout; either things changed (wouldn't surprise me), 
or my original search was broken. I've already ported Konsole, which 
seems to be the only remaining code that will be affected.)

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