A11y guidelines for styles in core KDE - style devs, please read!

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jun 29 20:45:21 BST 2007

pinheiro wrote:
> A Wednesday 27 June 2007 21:45:44, Thomas Lübking escreveu:
>> So, what's wrong about QPalette::Highlight?
>> If there /is/ sth. wrong it should be no big deal to open the  KColorScheme
>> config and read out the value to avoid linking kdeui, but in general i'd
>> say not to add another focus color beyond highlight.

Styles already using different colors might disagree. Anyway, by making 
it a separate role, it becomes the user's choice, no one said the user 
is not allowed to also choose the highlight color :-).

There is an a11y reason also; certain color schemes might need for the 
hover color to be different from the highlight color in order to be most 

>> PLUS:
>> nuno won't like the idea to add color to emphasize the hovered widget ;P
> yes nuno wont like that :)

I assume we're talking about the Oxygen style here? I understand that 
does "something different" for hover/focus effects. Unfortunately until 
the 'xrender version' issue is fixed it doesn't build for me, so I can't 
effectively comment. If it doesn't *use* a color as such, I'm not going 
to be nearly as anal about it (well, unless I don't aesthetically like 
it, but that's different ;-) ), but it should not be using the highlight 

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