Requesting help to port K3Process [was: Porting K3Process->KProcess]

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jun 13 20:32:40 BST 2007

On 12.06.07 12:08:42, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 June 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > I'm willing to help with this, but its clearly not a 1-man-job. So
> > should we setup a page on to coordinate the porting?
> that could help indeed; i'd also recommend organizing a day / half-day where 
> people can come together on irc to get things done. "wiki friday" was greatly 
> successful; libs mondays have also been maniacally productive.

Hmm, well with the full API freeze coming up on 25th, the only chance to
get all these changes into kdelibs is next monday. The reason is that
some of them are not BC/SC, because slots for the K3Process and maybe
even protected functions (I hope no public ones) with K3Process
parameters exist. One example is K3Spell, another is cupsaddsmb2 in

I'm not great at announcements, but anyway:

The upcoming monday is K3Process-Porting-Monday, everybody who has some
time please look at

and choose a class to port (the class list will show up there during the
weekend) The most important thing is to get kdelibs K3Process free
before June 25th, else the windows port is halted until the 4.0 release
(or has to use a separate branch and merge back after the 4.0 release).

As IRC channel I suggest to use #kde4-devel, unless someone objects (as
its a permanent channel).


Keep it short for pithy sake.

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